Oh and another thing. My friend's mom died sometime this weekend and it's very sad. My heart goes out to the family. I'm having one of those cliche moments where I realize that all these things I do, no matter how passionate I am about them really don['t matter at the end of the day. It's about the people, the family, and our impact. It's hard to realize that at the end of the day. But it's true, which makes it cliche 'cause we always see this message in books and movies, but for me, it's a lil more real this time. As I get "older" (how old is 24? I know some old cats that would laugh at me for that phrase. How bout more mature?) the realization that these moments never come back to us becomes more and more evident. NEVER. This time I'm using to write this blog can never be brought back. I can never go back and get the 6 hours of sleep I should be getting (and I'll be passive aggressively bitter about it all day). Anyway there are many people that I have come to know and love in this life and it's shame I can't spend more time with everyone, from folks back home in Nijah to my compadres in the States that live anywhere from 20 min to 11 hours away. I try not to take the people that cross my path for granted although I usually have a nagging feeling that I do. Well pray for my friend's fam if you can. And I hope to cherish the time I've been blessed with here and use it wisely. Over and out
It is now 5:13 take any typos, grammar errors and extra long paragraphs as you see them. This is free after all.
8 years ago